Campbell School Pictures are next Wednesday, January 13th starting at 8am. Picture forms will be sent home with students tomorrow or you can use the one attached. To pre-order packages and pay ONLINE go to and enter CAMPB2020 as the school code.
almost 4 years ago, Michelle Erb
Pic form
School Pictures from Skillman Photography is Wednesday Jan 13. Forms will be coming home.
almost 4 years ago, Dennis Klein
Here is what we are having for breakfast and lunch in December.
about 4 years ago, Michelle Erb
*Thanksgiving Break* No School Wednesday, November 25th thru Monday, November 30th. REMOTE LEARNING days December 1st and 2nd. All grades back to IN PERSON learning on December 3rd.
about 4 years ago, Michelle Erb
Thanksgiving Break
Please see the attached flyer to sign up for the Project Christmas Truck thru the Family Resource Center.
about 4 years ago, Michelle Erb
Project Christmas Truck
IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM OUR SUPERINTENDENT FOR RETURN FROM THANKSGIVING BREAK! Students will return from Thanksgiving Break to a remote format for two days. Teachers will teach all students remotely on Tues, December 1, and Wed, December 2 with the same format that was offered during the practice remote learning day. Students will return to full in-person learning on December 3.
about 4 years ago, Michelle Erb
The Board of Education will hold their November Business Meeting on November 11, 2020 at 6:00 pm. Access the agenda at, Join with Google Meet: or by phone ‪(US) +1 352-509-5591‬ PIN: ‪546 085 717‬#, If you attend the meeting please complete the electronic sign in sheet at
about 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
Just a reminder that the Fall Fundraiser Pickup is tomorrow, Thursday, Nov. 12th at the DeSoto building from 1:00-5:00pm.
about 4 years ago, Michelle Erb
Fundraiser Pickup
Just a reminder, we do have school this coming Monday, Nov. 9th, 2020. There is no school Friday, Nov. 13th, 2020.
about 4 years ago, Michelle Erb
School Monday
If you attend this evening's Board Business Meeting please visit and complete the sign in sheet. Thank you
about 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
If you attended this evenings special meeting please complete the sign in sheet at
about 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
The Board of Education will hold their next monthly Business Meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 22, 2020. Access the agenda, with links to join the meeting, at
about 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
The Board of Education has called a special meeting for Friday September 18, 2020, at 4:15 pm via Google Meet. Access the Agenda with links to the meeting and sign in sheet at
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
over 4 years ago, Dennis Klein
RE-1 Valley School District would like to thank Walmart for the gift of school supplies for our students. Each school received $100 worth of supplies. We are so grateful to have such a great community partner.
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
Today's Community Update will go Live at 4:15 pm. Hope to see you there!
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
**For 3rd grade ONLY** 4th & 5th grade will attend school as normal.
over 4 years ago, Michelle Erb
3rd grade Lit Testing
Should I keep my child home? This checklist should be used each day to help determine that:
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
First Day of School is August 19.
over 4 years ago, Dennis Klein
Campbell Supply List 2020-2021
over 4 years ago, Dennis Klein