Parents and providers of students who need emergency care plans filled out for Asthma, Allergy, Concussion and Seizure, those documents are now available on the district website at /o/re-1-valley-school-district/browse/81296
over 5 years ago, Alicia Bacon BSN, RN
The Tiger Cubs PTO launched it's fall fundraiser today, look for packets coming home. The Fundraiser ends Tue, Oct. 1st and distribution will be on Tue, Oct. 29th. We appreciate you supporting our schools!
over 5 years ago, Michelle Erb
Fundraiser Packet
Parent Letter
Spanish Parent Letter
School picture day will be Wed, Oct. 2nd starting promptly at 8AM. Order forms will be sent home with students as soon as we receive them from the photographer.
over 5 years ago, Michelle Erb
Due to choking concerns and the school supply of cough drop manufacturer directions, cough drops will no longer be offered to students K-5th grade. If your student needs cough drops during the school day please contact the health office for physician authorization paperwork. Sincerely, Health Office Staff
over 5 years ago, Dennis Klein
Cough Drops