New student registration--If you are new to the community and want to register your child (grades 3-5), please email me at and I will email you registration forms. Dennis Klein, Principal
over 4 years ago, Dennis Klein
The Board of Education will hold their monthly Business Meeting at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, July 21, 2020. Access the agenda, with links to join the meeting and complete the sign in sheet, at
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
Start time for Monday Meetings: Parent Update is 3:00 pm. The meeting link and call in number can also be found on School and District Homepages under News or Live Feed or on the District Calendar:
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
Monday Meetings:Parent Update Please join me for a conversation every Monday throughout July. I would love to update families and community members on the Return to School plans. Hope to see you online! Unable to attend? These sessions will be recorded and shared via social media. Shila Adolf Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: Or join by phone: +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 US Toll Meeting ID: 913 6296 3660
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
The Board of Education will hold a Special Meeting/Executive Session on Friday, July 10, 2020, from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. Access the agenda, with links to the meeting and the sign in sheet, at:
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
The Board of Education will hold a Special Meeting/Executive Session on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, at 6:00 pm. Access the agenda with links to the meeting and the sign in sheet at:
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
Access Minutes from the 06-25-2020 Board of Education Special Meeting at
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
If you attend the 6/25/2020 BOE Special Meeting please complete the sign in sheet using the following link
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
Access the Minutes for the May 13, 2020, BOE Special Meeting/Executive Session at
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
The Board will hold a SPecial Meeting/Executive Session Wednesday May 13, 2020. Access the agenda at
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
Access the Minutes from The Board of Education's Special Meeting held May 5, 2020 at,
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
FUNDRAISER REMINDER: Distribution is Tuesday, May 12th, 2020 at the DeSoto Building. FUNDRAISER REMINDER: Distribution is Tuesday, May 12th, 2020 at the DeSoto Building. *Ayres last name A-L 1-2 pm last name M-Z 2-3 pm *Campbell last name A-L 3-4 pm last name M-Z 4-5 pm
over 4 years ago, Michelle Erb
Butterbraid pick up
Access the Minutes from the Special Meeting held by the RE-1 Valley Board of Education on April 28, 202,, at
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
Update from Tiger Cub PTO: FUNDRAISER UPDATE: New distribution date is 5/12/20 at the DeSoto Building. Ayres last name A-L 1-2 pm last name M-Z 2-3 pm Campbell last name A-L 3-4 pm last name M-Z 4-5 pm *If you have children at both schools, come at either slot time* Please stay in your vehicle. We will be practicing social distancing. We will have someone take your child's name and bring you your items. We appreciate your patience! This is no way was our plan! Nobody can plan for a pandemic but we can give each other grace during one. If you are not able to make it during the slotted time above, please contact us directly through FB messenger or text 580-3111. We will try to work with you the best we can. We truly understand that people have to work and that these times might be difficult for some. However, these products do have to be frozen so we need them picked up! Thank you for supporting your schools, teachers, the students and your Tiger Cubs PTO!
over 4 years ago, Dennis Klein
The Board will hold a Virtual Special Meeting on Tuesday April 28, 2020 at 6:00 pm. Access the agenda and links to the meeting at:
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
Access Minutes for the April 21, 2020 Board Meeting at
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
The Board of Education will hold their April Business Meeting on Tuesday, April 21, 2020. Access the agenda with links to the meeting at
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
Report cards for 3rd quarter are now in the mail. We are expecting Class Pictures to be delivered to us by the end of April. Due to the Stay at Home Order, we have no updates on the PTO Butterbraid Distribution.
almost 5 years ago, Dennis Klein
Best Practices for Families can be found at:
almost 5 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
Updated link for Technology Needs Survey para Español
almost 5 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools