Wear your red white and blue tomorrow!
about 2 years ago, Taylor Cowden
veterens day
Reminder: No school on Friday November 11th! Enjoy the long weekend!
about 2 years ago, Taylor Cowden
Reminder: Health forms are due by September 29th!
over 2 years ago, Taylor Cowden
Hagen Preschoolers are throwing an art show! Please join us April 12, 2022 between 4PM and 7PM!
almost 3 years ago, Taylor Cowden
Art show
2022-2023 school year Hagen Early Education Center and Caliche Little Buffs Preschool registration is now open! Please stop by the Hagen preschool office to pick up an application for your child.
almost 3 years ago, Taylor Cowden
You're invited to join the RE-1 Valley Administrative Team and Board of Directors for a Community Conversation to provide input to the Strategic Plan and learn more about current initiatives. The meetings will be offered at three locations on Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2021, and Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2021. The content will be similar at each building and on both nights. Please engage in helping to write a meaningful strategic plan to guide improvement. Use the link to register to attend. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RE-1valley
over 3 years ago, Shila Adolf
Graduation and continuation will be happening for RE-1 Valley School District. The regulations have yet to be approved and will be shared as available. The current plan is to have a traditional ceremony. Sterling Middle School Continuation- May 26th @ 7:30 P.M. Sterling High School - May 29th @ 10:00 A.M. Caliche High School - May 29th @ 2:00 P.M. Caliche Junior High School Continuation - TBD
almost 4 years ago, Shila Adolf
Community Update (3-24-21)- Thank you to those of you able to join. Increased participation is positive towards strengthening our District. Happy to see families engaging in what education can and should be for our children. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TsqW4jSiQWdL90G2_NMAEz-4qx3JNPlI/view?usp=sharing Observation/Evaluation Policy https://z2.ctspublish.com/casb/browse/re-1valley-casb/re1valley/z20000190 Link to Advertisement of Observation Tool Software https://bullseye.education/ Guide to Comprehensive Induction Program https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TN0Q4aVYjDNRuJ29lTNsULUrNsomOZkw/view?usp=sharing Sample Induction Material https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x0bM4xW1oAmz5yZ7rSHsYI9tponW2JYz/view?usp=sharing
almost 4 years ago, Shila Adolf
Applications are being accepted NOW for the 2021-2022 school year! Access the application page at http://re1valleyco.apptegy.us/o/hagen-early-education-center/page/applying-for-preschool! Eligible children must be age 3 or 4 by July 1, 2021. Submitting an application does not guarantee placement. Preschoolers are placed based on risk factors not on a first come first serve basis and space is limited. APPLY NOW!
almost 4 years ago, SMS Admin
The Board of Education will hold their January Business Meeting today, January 26, 2021, at 6:00 pm. Access the agenda at https://5il.co/ox91, Join with Google Meet: meet.google.com/mvf-cifz-icm or by phone ‪(US) +1 402-855-5140 PIN 399 288 582#, If you attend the meeting please complete the electronic sign in sheet at https://forms.gle/7TiLGZdDMvcjfG8PA.
almost 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
The Board of Education will hold their November Business Meeting on November 11, 2020 at 6:00 pm. Access the agenda at https://5il.co/n3y5, Join with Google Meet: meet.google.com/thh-cvdi-tzr or by phone ‪(US) +1 352-509-5591‬ PIN: ‪546 085 717‬#, If you attend the meeting please complete the electronic sign in sheet at https://forms.gle/SdsoiD79FhdWBXWD9.
about 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
How to get a free thermometer through your school! Kinsa for Schools, or the FLUency program, connects parents & school staff on issues of student health, enabling quicker detection of spreading illness and rapid response to help keep students well and in class. Once accepted, all school families and staff can redeem free FDA-cleared Kinsa Smart thermometers, and join a private group on the Kinsa app to see anonymous and aggregated information on what symptoms are going around the school and their grade. How To Order Your Free Thermometer Text FLUENCY to 900900 For more information on Kinsa thermometers https://support.kinsahealth.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035258811-How-to-get-a-free-thermometer-through-your-school https://www.kinsahealth.co/fluency/fluency-faq/
about 4 years ago, Alicia Bacon BSN, RN
Kinsa App and Thermometer
The Board of Education will hold it's Monthly Business Meeting, Thursday, October 22, 2020, at 6:00 pm. Access the agenda at https://5il.co/md2w . If you join the meeting please complete the virtual sign in sheet at: https://forms.gle/fe7qTVjBUGDtPcKS6 .
about 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
The state of Colorado requires that all students in the public school system be compliant with state required vaccinations. This also includes those students who are remote/virtual and enrolled in RE#ONE pathways. Legally students are not allowed to be in school if their vaccinations are not compliant. Compliant means that the student's vaccinations are completed and compliant in our system, an exemption form is signed and turned in or there is a plan in process (the student has a doctor appointment to receive the vaccination). The school will need a note from the doctor's office stating they will be receiving the vaccination on "this date". The health assistant will then follow up after that date. This year the exclusion date for non-compliant student vaccinations is October 30th. Your child will not be allowed to come to school on or after October 30th if they are not compliant with their vaccinations. If you are unsure about your child's vaccination status, please reach out to the health office your child's school and they can assist you. Resources for vaccinations include: Any primary care provider office Northeast Colorado Health Department Any of the pharmacies Links to required vaccinations and exemption forms https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/schoolrequiredvaccines https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/vaccine-exemptions The health office and the district appreciates your cooperation with this.
about 4 years ago, Alicia Bacon BSN, RN
If you attend this evening's Board Business Meeting please visit https://forms.gle/sRZmLR32VFVSRfvP6 and complete the sign in sheet. Thank you
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
If you attended this evenings special meeting please complete the sign in sheet at https://forms.gle/HUKcLpMA9XLCGUGz9
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
The Board of Education will hold their next monthly Business Meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 22, 2020. Access the agenda, with links to join the meeting, at https://5il.co/l75a
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
The Board of Education has called a special meeting for Friday September 18, 2020, at 4:15 pm via Google Meet. Access the Agenda with links to the meeting and sign in sheet at https://5il.co/l5ae
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
RE-1 Valley School District would like to thank Walmart for the gift of school supplies for our students. Each school received $100 worth of supplies. We are so grateful to have such a great community partner.
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools
Today's Community Update will go Live at 4:15 pm. Hope to see you there! https://ecboces.zoom.us/j/91362963660
over 4 years ago, RE-1 Valley Schools